Raptoliv Capsule

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Rs21.92 / 20%-Off Rs27.40 /10 capsules


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Raptoliv capsules contain Picrorhiza kurroa, Boerrhavia diffusa, Andrograaphis paniculata, and Piper longum as main active ingredients. Role of active ingredients: Picrorhiza kurroa contains glucoside kutkin and kurrin promotes the secretion of bile juices, thus helping in digestion Boerrhavia diffusa contains lignans, xanthones, and retinoids which are antioxidants that maintain the health of hepatocytes. Andrograaphis paniculata contains diterpenes, and flavonoids that have hepatoprotective activity and reduce symptoms of jaundice and work in other liver disorders. Piper longum contains alkaloids like piperine, lignans, and esters that have hepatoprotective activity. Raptoliv Capsules have hepatoprotective properties, used in treatment of Jaundice, of viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, liver damage improves appetite, digestion and promotes weight gain. Use under medical supervision.
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